Campaigns for Freedom. Do they help or hinder?
Rumours are generated in prison that any publicity or campaign efforts will actually hinder efforts to have them released. It is in fact, quite the opposite.

In all of the years that we have been involved with campaigns or media publicity surrounding a case, not once have we seen publicity prejudice a client's position. Some prime examples are the cases of prominent businessmen Matt Joyce & Safi Qurashi. In both cases, public campaigns were strategically put in place and these lead to the review of their positions and ultimate releases. In other cases such as Cat Le-Huey and Farzan Athari, campaigning and awareness played a huge part in the review of crucial evidence (in Cat's case) and an early pardon in Farzan's. Scott Richard was arrested for sharing a charity on social media but with heavy worldwide press coverage, the charges were completely dropped. British plane spotting enthusiasts were arrested for taking photographs of aeroplanes. They were soon freed to return to the UK following a campaign for their release.
While campaigning isn't always effective, drawing attention and raising awareness of the issues, does not hinder and can often lead to a review of the case. Even if someone wishes to maintain distance or confidentiality, a general campaign that covers the specific issues of law can be a useful addition to an application for a pardon or an appeal.
Rumours that are heard in prison are deliberately circulated in order to encourage as much censorship as possible and believing such rumours is to the detriment of the prisoner.