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INTERPOL notices are International requests of co-operation or alerts,

allowing police in member countries to share critical crime-related information.  In the case of Red Notices, the persons concerned are wanted by the national jurisdictions for prosecution or to serve a sentence based on an arrest warrant, or court decision. 

INTERPOL's role is to assist in identifying and locating these persons with a view to arrest and extradition, or similar lawful action.


The imposition of a Red Notice will have a significant impact on those unfortunate enough to be targeted - especially if featured on INTERPOL's public webpage.  International travel becomes unsafe, but collateral damage can also be severe; closure of bank accounts; professional and personal reputations become damaged and, in some cases a criminal investigation will ensue.


 If anyone finds themselves in this tense predicament, our role is to help you re-claim your freedom and allow you to resume a normal life. We engage with INTERPOL directly, putting forward substantiated reasons why a notice should be withdrawn.  In some cases this can be simply because the UAE has failed to withdraw the notice to update its local database, or there may be more complex issues involved and we

 will work towards a clear and solid outcome.


If you have been threatened with INTERPOL action, suspect that you have been reported or are aware of an INTERPOL Red Notice, please contact us for urgent advice and consultation respecting its prevention or removal.

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Copyright © 2007 - 2023 Due Process International,  Due Process International is a company registered in the British Virgin Islands, with its registered office at Intershore Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.

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