Bed-bound British stroke victim detained in Dubai over debt
It's the same story we are all hearing at the moment; people are aghast at the way expats are treated in UAE. Malcolm Munroe is a 70 year...
Dubai releases Brit under international media pressure, but secretly place him on Interpol watch lis
Jamil Mukadam one of the many recent high profile Brits detained in Dubai for seemingly trivial offences has been released, but the UAE...
Another Scottish victim of the UAE legal system comes forward - "2 years detained in Dubai for
"2 years UAE detention for £2 taxi fare." After the recent cases of Jamie Harron and Billy Barclay, another Scotsman has come forward to...
Dow Chemical Company abandons employee left brain dead after negligent medical operation in UAE
Imran Hussain, husband and father of four, was rendered permanently brain damaged after Dubai’s Mediclinic malpractice during...