“British Bar should cancel their seminar with Dubai arbitration”. Lawyers outraged after law journal
Press Release: UK Lawyers warn British & Irish Commercial Bar Association to avoid promoting Dub
British Irish Commercial Bar Association supporting Dubai International Arbitration Centre next mont
We need to smarten up and stop letting Dubai make fools of us
The case of the theft of $610 million from British National's company KMHoldings is very simple,
Abu Dhabi's New Tourism Court
موقع انجليزي يحذر المستثمرين الأجانب من فساد رؤوس الأموال الإماراتية بغطاء حكومي إماراتي
Detained in Dubai is calling on Embassies to warn their citizens of the hidden risks for expats and
Innocent British man held for over a YEAR at police station WITHOUT charge pleads to be bailed or se
British National convicted in Dubai of promoting a fundraiser for two children in need of life savin